Debbie Taylor-Kerman - Equality

Fighting for the underdog, discernment, editing, celebrating differences, and relinquishing control through your tools in today's episode with Debbie Taylor-Kerman.
You're going to hear about fighting for the underdog, discernment, editing, celebrating differences, and relinquishing control through your tools in today's episode with Debbie Taylor-Kerman.
Debbie is a Scottish artist who came to New York City to work as a textile designer in 1991. She fell in love with the city and her husband Elliott, and they moved to Harlem where they raised their two sons and still reside. Her path included the Foundation Course at St Martins School of Art in London, a Printed Textiles degree from Liverpool School of art and 4 consecutive years of Nicholas Wilton’s Creative Visionary Program. During the pandemic Debbie left her successful commercial art career of more than three decades and finally decided to paint fine art full time.
We had a great conversation about her obsession which we ended up calling “equality” – but that doesn’t do it really justice –it’s about fighting for the underdog, for racism and inequality, celebrating diversity and how much we can learn from each other. Debbie strives to normalize the fact that we're all different and we all celebrate different things. She writes: “I need to find hope in this fragile and divided world by creating the beauty of diversity. I believe it's critical for everyone to feel seen and to feel that we can coexist in peace.”
- The mundane things unite us.
- We all come from somewhere. We are all a part of the people we have in our lives.
- When the desire to do it becomes bigger than the fear, take the leap!
- Find the most important thing and give it room to breathe.
- Ask yourself: “where is my heart and what do I want to explore and paint?”
Debbie Taylor-Kerman on Instagram
Debbie Taylor-Kerman on Facebook
Art Juice Podcast: Finding purpose in your art with Debbie Taylor-Kerman
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Nicholas Wilton’s Creative Visionary Program
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Princeton Catalyst wedges and contours
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